this time last week i felt much more energised after waking from a deep sleep.... all down to spending the evening prior in something that resembled a mini submarine, with water inside it-not out!
i spotted the float centre on my regular, popular canal side run down to the etihad stadium, from manchester city centre
tucked away in a quiet, up and coming residential & commercial area, from the minute you walk in the bare white walls and lack of noise pollution immediately calm you....
known for having both mental and physical benefits i was looking forward to seeing how floating in a tank of water could help me out! good for people who sit at their desks all day as well as people who are on their feet and train a lot like myself, floating definitely does something for all

the flat lasts an hour in total, 10 minutes with music, 45 in complete silence and 5 to calmly bring you back round-which i needed! the water, filled with epsom salts makes you float effortlessly with zero gravity.... chris mentioned simply lying back with your arms behind your head is great for any tension in shoulders which a lot of people suffer with
you can really twist yourself into different positions so i was getting myself into some body pretzels and started thinking yoga in a pod is the next thing to try! ;)
i felt very focused at the end of the float, clearing my head and think a friday evening is a great time to go at the end of a busy week. you're in the state between being asleep and awake so you feel refreshed but not groggy....
theres a lovely little area you can chill out in at the end of your float with refreshments and thought provoking books :)
float level have kindly offered flex customers £5 off their first float - just quote flex5 when you book - used by sportsmen and hollywood actors alike you really should treat yourself to this star treatment!

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