Yoga for fitness
Being a PT and a keen yogi I was intrigued by a teacher
training course I came across – Freestyle Fitness Yoga (FFY)
Wanting to further my journey as a yoga instructor, but not
being able to make time for a 200 hour course in India I thought I’d give it a
try :) One
day I will make it to the birthplace of yoga, too many friends getting married
this year!
FFY claims to give you the skills to teach a yoga based
workout, but you must already hold a fitness qualification, having high knowledge
of how the body works…. So lets go!
Jayne Nicholls, the creator behind it is what I’d describe as a
little warrior. A tiny, but powerful lady, she immediately makes you want to
sit up and listen! And so I did, and one of the first things she said is she
likes the word ‘flex’ so we were off to a good start!
The context of this was to have your joints soft and flexible, not
bent, so you can move in a fluid way. Other teaching points like breathing in
on upwards moves and out on downwards moves were like traditional yoga, but
opposite to pilates. So it was interesting to see a couple of pilates instructors
on the course – maybe they saw this as a step closer to the other side, but
without getting too close, or maybe not….
Day one consisted of an introduction & overview, teaching
of a warm up -including mobilising joints, managing body weight and sun salutations. We then went through the different standing postures of the class,
including warriors, with the teaching points, finishing with some mat work and
As well as some pre-course work, and advising us to read up on
and practice as much yoga/body balance a possible, there was homework to go
over what we’d learnt and be ready to go
straight into a class and teach one tomorrow! There was also a dedicated
YouTube channel which helped with recapping :)

passing everyone who had paid for the course

Group X training do a great range of fitness based courses. I’m now
considering the pre & post natal Level 3 course – well all my friends are
getting married, so surely pregnancy is next on the agenda?!
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